My Monday morning is far too Manic…but I didn’t want to go totally dark…so here is a picture of my darling daughter with her very first punkin….twenty five years ago. (we had grown the pumpkin in our garden)

Surf over and visit Mo for many Manic Monday musings on the topic of Trick or Treat. I am sure his other minions will be far more

Surf over and visit Mo for many Manic Monday musings on the topic of Trick or Treat. I am sure his other minions will be far more
Absolutely adorable. Don't they grow up fast?
Geez, that thing looks like its got some sort of disease with all the lumps and bumps! Oh, I mean the pumpkin, not your child! ;P
adorable!! I love pictures like that. I'll bet it brings back lots of memories for you too. Have a great day.
Awwwwwwww....the warty ones on the best.
Punkins, not kiddos...though warty kiddos aren't bad either....
*tossing hands up and going to find some coffee*
Isn't that cute - two of your very own homegrown cuties!
Yay for baby pics! Great picture of her. You need to embarrass her more now with more pictures. :P
ah Dixie...yes...very fast...I am sure you are felling that now.
sam: I know..funny huh?
gdirb: lots of memories
mel: laughing...I think you have less coffee than you are use to....
linda: homegrown for sure!
ian: truth be known I had that one because I emailed it to her boyfriend....laughing...
*doing happy dance*
Tomorrow, tomorrow--I love ya,'re only a day away!
Too Cute...Have a good one.
Nah, this time of year, you gotta go with a kids and pumpkins picture! Very, very cute, Katherine. Don't you wish (sometimes) they'd stay this little and cute?
What a sweet photo!
They might have been more creative but there is no possible way that their manic monday's were nearly as cute as yours!!!!
That's a great picture.
There's one of me & my sister in a pumpkin patch, that my sister had enlarged & framed for me one Christmas.
That pumpkin has the mumps....
Now that just gets a big ole awwwwwwwwwwwww.
Sooo adorable. What a priceless photograph.
She was a real cutie pie. These kind of photos are the very best!
I'm playing catch-up here...
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