santa cruz wharf

03 July 2007

I try with a little help from my friends


Just exactly when in a dating relationship should you admit to a guy that you blog.

And then at what point do you let him know where it is so he can read it.

or...don't you...???


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

nooooooo! don't do it! i have seen so many that are sorry afterward. heck sometimes i am sorry sarge knows about mine! ha ha...

smiles, and good luck, bee

Travis Cody said...

I'm with Bee - don't do it.

You wouldn't share a personal diary, would you?

Mel said...

Oh boy.....

I probably have a different take on it just from my experience.

The Brit can read any time he likes. He chooses not to.
I have my journal by the night stand. He chooses not to read that either.
He's welcome to read in either place at any time and knows how to get there/where the journal is. No secrets secrets here.

Dating a fella--dunno that I'd invite him into the journal or the web log.
Sharing a life with a's just another piece of that 'honesty foundation' that I totally agree with.

MaR said...

I wouldn't do it...if you end up marrying him he most likely won't your why share the url now???

MaR said...

read, I meant: he most likely won't read your blog

katherine. said...

Ms Bee: yeah...its too late for you. Smile.

Trav: nope. That's why I don't have one.

Mel: those of us without a lifemate...let alone a brit...have tougher choices sometimes.

Mar: I'm guessin' this one would read it.

Anonymous said...

I'm with most of the other commenter's - I say don't do it. Not yet anyway. You may feel comfortable enough later to share it. If you're asking and wondering, then you're not sure, and shouldn't. :-)

Irmgarde said...

One of the reasons I started blogging was I could say what I wanted and pretty much assumed no one was really reading it anyway. Then I gave my blog address to a few friends... and that was ok... but then the blog expanded and I sent it out to more people... but then my writing became constrained. More on my post...

Mo and The Purries said...

I think it's up to you when you trust the person. If you trust them enough to be physically intimate, then you should trust them with your blog.
Lots of couples I know don't read the other's blog anyway. (Lee doesn't read mine).
But that's just my 2 cents.
I think the "don't do it" is also good for a few pennies...

Marilyn said...

Hubby reads my blog sometimes. Sometimes he doesn't. If I were single I would probably tell all right away. If he ran screaming then I would keep looking. Much easier to move on before things get too serious than to find out it isn't going to work afterward.

katherine. said...

yeah...if he runs screaming....